
It's going to take time for a new dog to adjust. 

Adjustment for an Older Dog

It's going to take some time for an older dog to adjust. Everything is different to them, new home, new people, new everything.
Take your time, show them around the house, take them outside and try to get them to do their business, if they do give them a treat. 

An adjustment period lasts several weeks while you to get to know each other., not days.

Adjustment for a Puppy

Oh the puppies, the sweet darlings that cry all night their first day home. They miss their mom, they don't know where they are and they are just down right confused.

If they keep you up crying all night an old trick is putting a ticking clock in their crate, that seems to calm them down. 

Hold them and pet them a lot, make them feel safe and secure.

They will be confused for a while but soon they will be a bundle of trouble.

Adjustment for An Abused Dog

Opening your heart to a troubled dog is a noble act. Successfully rehabilitating the dog takes kindness, but it also requires knowledge, patience and consistency. It is important to prepare yourself, your home and your family for the new arrival. You must also establish ground rules and a routine, which everyone in the family must follow consistently.

Above all, remember to treat the dog as a wanted, functional member of the family.

An abused dog may flibch when you raise your hand, if this happens slowley bring your arm down to pet him/her. They will soon see that no harm will come of it.